Being from the rainiest, dullest, windiest, dampest part of England (the North East) I'm used to wrapping up warm against the driving drizzle of the North Sea. California, seems a world apart. Sunshine, the Hollywood sign, Rodeo Drive, sunshine, Santa Monica pier, sand and sunshine.
Last week was the annual NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants) show in Anaheim California. The world's largest, and craziest, exhibition of musical instruments and accessories.
I have recently been lucky enough to begin a collaboration with LIBERTY DRUMS, the UK's premier boutique drum maker.
Last week was the annual NAMM (National Association of Music Merchants) show in Anaheim California. The world's largest, and craziest, exhibition of musical instruments and accessories.
I have recently been lucky enough to begin a collaboration with LIBERTY DRUMS, the UK's premier boutique drum maker.
The drum above is the first of a proposed range of British themed pieces. It has been hand painted using Acrylics in a 'drip' style and taken across the Atlantic to feature in this year's NAMM show. In fact, it's still there in the Liberty Drums California Office and available for sale.
I am looking forward to producing more bespoke, hand painted drums with Liberty, so keep checking my website for new additions.
Please contact me if you are interested in a custom painted item of your own or would like to ask any questions.
I am looking forward to producing more bespoke, hand painted drums with Liberty, so keep checking my website for new additions.
Please contact me if you are interested in a custom painted item of your own or would like to ask any questions.
If you would like to know more about Liberty Drums, then check them out below. I know Andrew at Liberty will be happy to tell you more.